Estátua da Capitã Marvel pela Hot Toys

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Vingadores: Ultimato | Hot Toys revela colecionável da Capitã Marvel

Action figure virá acompanhada de uma Manopla do Infinito com Jóias de LED

16.04.2020, às 10H46.
Atualizada em 18.04.2020, ÀS 21H43

A Hot Toys anunciou um colecionável da Capitã Marvel inspirado em Vingadores: Ultimato. Em escala ⅙, a action figure tem o visual mais recente da heroína vivida por Brie Larson, com cabelos curtos. O boneco vem acompanhado da Manopla do Infinito criada pelos Vingadores equipadas com Jóias de LED. Confira abaixo:

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“Because before, you didn’t have me.” – Captain Marvel One of the Marvel’s most powerful super heroes, Captain Marvel joins the Avengers as the key to defeat Thanos. Arrives from space, the hero proceeds to completely destroy the warship, and attempts to stop Thanos from wielding the Nano Gauntlet with her special power. Ever since her debut, Captain Marvel has become immensely popular in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. As seen in the final battle between the super heroes and the warlord, Hot Toys is excited to present today the latest 1/6th scale Captain Marvel collectible figure from the incredible Avengers: Endgame collection. Beautifully crafted based on the appearance of Brie Larson as Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel in the movie, the figure features a newly developed head sculpt with short hairstyle, a specially designed body equipped with LED light-up function on both sides of the forearms, the iconic red and blue costume with gold star emblem on chest and sash around waist in movie-accurate perfection, multiple energy-blasting effect accessories wearable on arms and hands, LED light-up Nano Gauntlet painted and battle damaged effects, and a movie-themed dynamic figure stand for wide range of aerial poses! The new Captain Marvel figure is a sure way to show off your Marvel fandom! #HotToys #Collectibles #SixScale #Marvel #MarvelStudios #Avengers #Endgame #CaptainMarvel #CarolDanvers #BrieLarson

Uma publicação compartilhada por Hot Toys (@hottoyscollectibles) em

Vingadores: Ultimato já está disponível em home video. A Fase 4 do MCU começará oficialmente com Viúva Negra, que era previsto para 30 de abril mas teve estreia adiada por conta do coronavírus. A Disney já anunciou as novas datas dos próximos filmes da Marvel, que incluem Os Eternos, Shang-Chi e Doutor Estranho 2.

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